Blog Post - Prioritising Mental Health in the Workplace

As we come to the end of October, Mental Health month, we reflect on the importance of mental health in the workplace and how it continues to gain significant recognition and create discussion. The Australian workforce, like many others globally, has come to understand the critical need for supporting the mental well-being of its staff. This blog post delves into current statistics on mental health in the Australian workplace and offers practical strategies for both employees and employers to foster a mentally healthy work environment.


The State of Mental Health in Australian Workplaces

Mental health issues are on the rise, and their impact on the workforce is yet to be fully understood. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, nearly 20% of Australian adults experience mental health issues in any given year. These issues often spill over into the workplace, impacting productivity and well-being.

Mental health-related absenteeism and presenteeism (working while unwell) cost Australian businesses an estimated $17 billion per year. This underscores the importance of addressing mental health concerns in the workplace.

Suicide Rates: Suicide is a significant concern, and the workforce is not immune. In 2020, suicide was the leading cause of death among Australians aged 15-44. It's crucial for workplaces to be vigilant about supporting employees who may be struggling.


Strategies to Promote Mental Health in the Workplace

Addressing mental health in the workplace is a shared responsibility that involves both employees and employers. Here are some strategies that can be used to assist in creating a mentally healthy work environment:

Encourage Open Conversations: Fostering a culture of open and supportive communication is essential. Encourage employees to discuss their mental health concerns without fear of stigma. Managers should be approachable and trained to handle such conversations.

Mental Health Training: Provide mental health awareness and first-aid training for all employees. This equips them with the tools to recognise signs of distress in their colleagues and offer support.

Flexible Work Arrangements: Offer flexible work options, such as remote work, flexible hours, or compressed workweeks. These options can help employees better manage their work-life balance and reduce stress.

Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs): Implement EAPs to provide employees with access to confidential counselling and support services. These programs can be invaluable in helping employees address personal and work-related issues.

Workload Management: Encourage reasonable workload expectations and provide resources for time management and stress reduction. Setting realistic goals and deadlines can help alleviate undue stress.

Promote Work-Life Balance: Advocate for work-life balance by discouraging excessive overwork and encouraging the use of leave entitlements. Organise events and activities to promote relaxation and team bonding.

Anti-Bullying and Harassment Policies: Implement clear policies to address bullying and harassment in the workplace. Encourage employees to report any such incidents without fear of negative consequences.

Leadership Support: Encourage leaders to set an example by prioritising their own mental health. When employees see senior management taking mental health seriously, it sends a powerful message.

Regular Check-Ins: Conduct regular one-on-one meetings between managers and employees to discuss work-related stressors and well-being. These check-ins provide a platform for staff to open up and managers to address concerns. 



Mental health in the workplace is a matter of national importance in Australia. With a growing awareness of the impact of mental health issues on individuals and businesses, it's crucial to prioritise well-being at work. By fostering a supportive environment, implementing proactive measures, and engaging in open conversations about mental health, Australian workplaces can contribute to a healthier and more productive workforce.